Weird Science?
Have you noticed the rules have changed drastically when it comes to nutrition?
I mean…the rules have been flipped.
Who would have ever thought carbs would die a slow death and fat would take its place?
Paleo, Keto, and Carnivore ways of eating have all developed a following.
The masses are no longer “gassed” by experts who are serving the interests of food companies.
It seems as though people are finally taking control of their health.
Many are realizing the importance of “food being medicine” and recognize processed foods are a fast way to a slow death.
Even though people are waking up now more than ever, guess who knew about nutrition way before the general public?
Chiropractors were held high in the public’s eye at one time.
Then something changed.
It’s now changing again as many chiropractors are becoming the go to source for solutions to many health mysteries.
Podcast #171 is with Dr. Darren Schmidt a chiropractor that wants to bankrupt pharmaceutical companies by getting people healthy.
I think he just may do it! 😉
Who Is Dr. Darren Schmidt
Dr. Darren Schmidt is a Chiropractor who has been focusing 100% on clinical nutrition since 1998.
He owns the Nutritional Healing Center of Ann Arbor and is also a professional speaker on health.
Dr. Schmidt grew up working on his family’s farm beginning at the age of 9. He graduated from chiropractic school and started practicing in 1997.
His purpose in life is bankrupt drug companies by helping lots of people become healthy.
While in Chiropractic college, Dr. Schmidt attended nearly 50 seminars in 24 months searching for the most effective therapies to get a person well.
He gives lectures and workshops to private, church, school and business groups and to the general public.
Inside The Episode
One of the listeners of my podcast, suggested I interview Dr. Schmidt.
I am so glad he did.
I was able to watch several of Dr. Darren’s Youtube videos and got valuable insight.
What do I like about this guy?
Well… obviously his name is Darren just like mine.
How can you not like a Darren?
Aside from his name this guy brings some informative insight to the world of nutrition.
Did I mention he drinks blood?
Tune in to the podcast to find out why!
What You’ll Learn
- Why do today’s chiropractors focus on nutrition?
- How did chiropractors know about keto before the general public?
- What effect does food have on our mood?
- Why are meatless Mondays a bad idea?
- What is lactic acidosis?
- How do you kill people nutritionally?