Health is getting sticky.
Health is getting “icky”.
Health and wellness is getting confusing.
You would think I came to these conclusions after being persuaded by what i’ve seen over the last 10 years, huh?
Its actually what I’ve seen recently that has me in a ruckus.
Is anything truth based anymore?
Can the average person discern nutritional truth from influenced lies?
The game has changed to one where lies, deceit, and “bamboozlery” are common.
Organized Pandemonium
Is it just me, or has the internet turned into the wild west?
You can literally and figuratively “shoot” someone and get away with it.
How many times have you scrolled through social media to find a celebrity dead only to find it isn’t true?
There is no fear of repercussions.
Who would do something like that?
I mean…why purposely wish death on anyone?
Freedom of speech is a double edged sword.
There are some who abuse “FOS” for the sole purpose of internet traffic and pay per clicks.
The day of the internet cowboy is real but he/she doesn’t tote a six shooter.
Instead of firing bullets, its slick titles and off brand quotes.
Just the other day, I saw an article touting coffee enemas harmed gut flora.
I use coffee enemas religiously to detoxify my body and have never had any issues with my gut flora.
They have been very beneficial to me and everyone else I know who uses them.
When someone attacks something as beneficial as coffee enemas,“Houston we have a problem”.
As of late, tribes are attacking coffee enemas, paleo diets, and anything else they can discredit.
It has become quite common to find a chink in the armor of anything good and expose its vulnerability.
After all, isn’t gaining subscribers and followers incumbent on sprinkling conspiracy and skepticism?
Real World vs. Real Talk
Walking through the internet and looking for advice on nutrition, is like walking through a neighborhood filled with gangs.
You don’t need gang signs to show your allegiance but trust me, peeps want you loyal to your set. (gang)
I happened to be on Youtube and witnessed a woman tearing down the Paleo diet.
Supposedly, in the video she proclaimed a study quoted from Dr. John McDougall ( vegan) said we evolve on a starch based diet.
Alright,,, no real problem with that but what’s actually working real world?
There seems to be this constant jockeying for position for diet supremacy and ultimately it pushes people away from health.
Some people just don’t want to be healthy because they don’t know what to believe and they’re tired of the drama.
I believe we make our own truth.
If you think Veganism is healthy for you, then go for it.
If you think meat eating is healthy for you, freakin’ do it!
But… just don’t get stuck and be afraid to evolve.
Too many people stick to their diets like marriage vows.
The body is constantly changing and what you think it needs now can radically change.
Don’t be afraid to break your vows and divorce your diet and move in a different direction.
I’m about real world s*** how else can you explain someone being vegan and living to 100 and someone eating bacon and living to 100?
There’s only so much you can get from a study but there’s a lot you can get from what’s real.
Tribal Warfare
The greatest thing we can do for ourselves is to “do” ourselves.
Sounds parasitic, doesn’t it?
No one can tell you what’s best for your body.
Believe me, there are tons of “experts” who would love to do so.
There is no shortage of gurus to tell you what’s wrong and why they’re right.
You only need to look as far as social media to see tribes hurling verbal spears at each other.
They want to gain control and move into each others territory and rule the kingdom.
Innocent bystanders become the spoils and collateral damage ensues.
Those of us who know a lil “sumpin sumpin” about health and wellness are asked to choose sides.
Will getting people healthy ever rise up and egos go down?
I can only envision a day when people can make their own choice and be confident in their beliefs.
In being confident in their belief, they can respect someone else’s right to choose what they desire.
My definition of dietary insecurity is wanting everyone to change their diet so you can feel better about yours.
Who cares what people choose as long as its better than a processed food diet.
Tribes should make their choice, be cool with it ,and give up arguing for their rightness.
People up.
Tribes down.
Health and wellness can then rise and ride off into the sunset.
One Love!