Its in the title, but i’ll ask it again…can I offer you some motivational words for 2014?
Kelly Rowland, formerly of Destiny’s Child, penned a song in 2013 called “Motivation”
I want to take a chapter from Kelly’s book and Be Your Motivation in 2014!
You ready?
Amid the hoopla of the BCS National Championship Game between Florida State and Auburn, you probably missed my Phat Man Radio show.
That’s ok, I forgive you, because I watched the game right after the show was over. 🙂
So, I know you missed Geovanni Derice and I sharing motivational words and what it takes to succeed.
Geo, as most folks call him, had some interesting things to say.
While he was talking, I took a ton of notes.
I’ll touch on a few of them.
He shared his own personal triumph of losing 50 pounds and the principles he used to reach his goals.
Here are some golden takeaways from that show but I would encourage you listen in after this post.
Commitment is key
Did you know the only commitment we have in our society today is marriage?
Crazy thing is, some folks ain’t even committed to that!
At the first sign of trouble, they’re ready to call it quits
Businesses nowadays offer no contract commitments.
These things are convenient and provide less hassle but they fall short in teaching us success principles.
Would you leave the place you live, put yourself in a hotel for 3 weeks, all in an effort to lose weight?
Most people wouldn’t, but Geo did it because he was fed up and wanted a change.
Were there obstacles?
Did he backslide and eat some things he shouldn’t have?
Hells yeah, but he was committed enough to stay the course!
He would eventually lose 50 pounds by committing to results and never getting comfortable.
The killer they call comfortable
Are you comfortable?
I don’t mean, come home,”prop up your feet” comfortable mind you.
I mean this kind.
Same ol’ paycheck, same job, same overweight comfortable.
Most people are and are afraid to change.
In fact, Geo said We hate change.
I’ll second that emotion!
I’ve had my most uncomfortable moments starting a radio show, the wellness warrior podcast, and doing Youtube videos.
But, I knew I had to do them to grow.
Fear usually keeps us in a state of comfortability.
That fear can be one of failure or one of success.
Yes, people do fear success whether you believe it or not.
Success brings change and you already know, We Don’t like change.
Change is inevitable and whether you invite it in to be your friend or slap it in the face, it often brings struggle.
Struggle can be your friend if you let it.
Straight Struggling
I asked Geo,”is success a straight line”?
He replied with an emphatic,”no”.
Matter of fact, he said success is more akin to a EKG machine.
If you’re unfamiliar with this, EKG machines measure your heartbeat.
The readout usually shows peaks and valleys emitted as electrical signals in the heart.
When there are no peaks and valleys, you flatline.
A flatline means you’re dead.
He said life was like this.
You’ll have good times and bad times which are all a part of life.
Those peaks and valleys represent you’re living life to the fullest.
The irony is we don’t always see those valleys in successful people, only the peaks.
Over the past two years, I’ve had my share of valleys but I’m now ready for a comeback.
Matter of fact, I’m setting up right now for one!
Setup for a comeback
I asked my guest what this meant to him,”a setback is a setup for a comeback”.
You’ll have to listen to the full show to get his answer but it was a provocative one.
Some of us fall down, get held down, or get knocked down.
The question is, will you get back up?
Les brown inspired me years ago by saying,”if you can look up, you can get up”.
I’ve always believed it.
In Langston Hughes’ poem,”Mother To Son” he says “life for me ain’t been no crystal stair.”
That’s a truth bomb if I’ve never heard one!
We all have our problems.
Success is never for those people who give up easily.
Its for those crazy mofos, like me, who are gluttons for punishment.
I know everything I wish and hope for is just beyond failure but I gotta keep moving to get there.
After all, Geo said,”Thomas Edison failed at inventing the light bulb 10,00o times”.
Who would I be to just quit after one or two failures?
Will you persevere and reach your goals or wilt like an unwatered plant in fear of success or failure?
I encourage you to listen to the show below.
There are tons of gems for you to contemplate and take on your journey with you.
Do you know someone who lacks motivation or is trying to achieve a goal? Please share this post with them and leave a comment below.