What are GMOS and why should you buy GrapeNuts cereal as soon as you can?
We’ll get to this in due time, but first…
I recently went to my local grocery store and saw the start of the girl scout cookie selling season in high gear.
Yup, its that time of the year where you give into your better judgement and purchase Girl Scout Cookies.
I’m not judging you at all, matter of fact, I was once the Cookie Monster living on Girl Scout Street .
[ Peanut Butter was my fav]
Girl Scout cookies are immediately recognizable but what about GMOS?
I’ve wondered if I set up a table in my local store and put GMO on it in big letters, would people be curious to learn more?
Would they donate to the cause or just dismiss me as the latest casualty of a conspiracy?
Would people even know what a GMO is?
What Are GMOS
Last week, I had the opportunity to hear Jeffrey Smith speak about Genetically Modified Organisms or GMOS.
Mr. Smith and his accurately titled documentary,”Seeds of Deception” opened my eyes to the dangers of Genetically Modified Organisms.
Its sad because many people don’t know what GMOS are, yet alone, the science behind them.
Then there are those who know, but don’t care, and think its safe because science says so.
Need I remind you, Mr. Science told us saturated fat was bad for us.
We’ve been taking this to “heart”( pun intended) only to find cardiovascular disease and obesity are running wild.
Yet all the while, he continuously whispers,”vegetable oils are heart healthy”.
Long ago, Mr. Science and Mr. Marketing got together and realize people believe what experts say.
They also found out if you provide a slew of complicated words the general public goes nuts and so does their intelligence.
I wish I could tell you GMOS are hard to understand, but they aren’t.
To prove it, let’s look at corn.
America is very dependent on corn because its cheap, plentiful, and easy to grow.
We want to protect it because its used in gas, high fructose corn syrup, and to feed livestock.
You could say its important and the “powers that be” want to protect it.
How do they do it?
Let’s say we develop a way to splice a gene into corn.
This gene acts as a deterrent to pest(s) who want to feed on our cash crop.
Once the pest eats the corn, the mutant gene rears its ugly head.
What happens when it does?
Boom! The pests stomach explodes!
Sounds pretty cool, until you think about the long term implications it might have on your stomach, huh?
If corn and other plants aren’t enough, gmo insects are coming to a town near you!
Mosquitoes Modified
Male mosquitoes don’t bite…females do.
This is ironic seeing as though, the male in most species are usually the aggressor.
In an effort to curtail dengue fever caused by a bite from a female mosquito, Oxitec (british company) has invented genetically modified mosquitoes.
The male mosquito carries a gene, which when mated with the female, would kill the offspring before it reached adulthood.
Yup…a skitter abortion. 🙂
Sounds good, huh? No more biting skitters.
All our vacations, family reunions, and cook outs would be so much better.
A dream come true could quickly turn into a nightmare.
What if it activates a dormant virus or disrupts the ecosystem?
Whether we want to believe it or not, mosquitoes have a purpose on this planet.
Should we mess with Mother Nature?
History tells us no.
Money says yes but to what detriment?
It would be awesome to end dengue fever but what are the long term effects of mutant mosquitoes?
Study Buddy
Are there any long term studies regarding GMOS?
A french study lasting two years ended with tumors in rats.
The only other one lasted 240 days.
Is this enough research time to consider adding this to our food supply or letting mutant mosquitoes loose on the general population?
Sad thing is…the FDA ( Food and Drug Administration) doesn’t do its own research.
Corporations provide their own research and present it to the FDA.
Think about this for a moment..a company invests 10 million dollars only to find their project isn’t safe.
Instead of admitting guilt, they fudge documents and manipulate data so everything looks kosher.
How likely is this to happen?
We only need to look at the pharmaceutical industry for an accurate assessment.
This has happened way too many times.
Those who don’t know the past are condemned to repeat it.
Can we wake up, will we wake up and realize corporations rationalize profits over people?
Corporations need to know we aren’t lab rats…we have a right to know what’s in our food.
Get Your Grapenuts On
Stevie Wonder can see corporations will only offer what they profit from.
What incentive is there for change when GMO products are being purchased?
We vote with our dollars.
When you purchase products with GMOS , you tell food companies your health is secondary to profit.
In a sense, you’re saying,”I’m a lab rat, go ‘head and experiment on me.”
You may not think you are but that’s what your dollars say when you buy products with GMOS.
If you really want to let corporations know you care about your health, buy GrapeNuts Cereal.
Post is offering a NONGMO version of Grape-Nuts cereal.
Its pivotal we show the food companies we’ll buy non GMO products if offered.
It also shows you support GMO labeling.
You have the right to know what’s in your food!
The streets are watching, are you gonna take action?
By now, you should know what are GMOS and how they can affect the health of our nation.
If you don’t, read this again and again until it sinks in.
If you know someone who isn’t familiar with Genetcially Modified Organisms please share this post with them.
Do you know what GMOS are and how they could potentially affect your health.
Post your comment below.