If you’re reading this post, its not what you think it is. It might offend you, but that’s ok.
Its very rare that if something doesn’t offend us, we will ever notice it, huh?
In 2003, the Dave Chappelle Show premiered on Comedy Central and became an instant hit with cult audiences.
It was a raw brand of comedy and pushed the edge and even went over it.
One of my favorite skits was called “Pimp Of The Year.”
The skit centered around an event called the “Player Haters Ball.”
The pimps on the skit “hated” on each other with the intent of winning the “pimp of the year” title.
That was 2003. It would be 2005 before I realized the show I laughed at was shaping my reality.
Someone said pimpin’ ain’t easy but I think it is.
Matter of fact, the health system is based on the pimps, puppets, hos, and tracks scheme.
I’ll show you exactly how if you’re willing to read a bit further.
Are you?
Who controls us?
The answer may surprise you.
I’m always amused when people are passionate about politics.
Why? Well, what they don’t know is politicians don’t control anything, corporations do.
When a candidate announces he or she is running for office, the bribes come in as campaign contributions.
These contributions are needed for those 30 second spots you see on tv.
It’s the ones you see where candidates try and poke holes in each others armor to persuade voters they deserve their vote.
Who do you think contributes most of the money for these campaigns?
Big Pharma donates significant amounts of money to the Republican and Democratic parties.
Pharmaceutical companies also hire lobbyists. The lobbyists make sure big pharm’s interests are protected.
Even the Federal Drug Administration (FDA), protects and ensures profits for leading drug manufacturers.
How’s this done?
The FDA is made up of high ranking pharmaceutical employees (doctors, officials, etc.) who are appointed for a term.
Once they finish their terms, they are allowed to go back and work for the pharmaceutical company they originally came from.
It’s a sophisticated game of musical chairs and the end game is profit protection.
It would be the equivalent of you and I being allowed to sell cocaine for a columbian drug cartel then taking a position with the Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA.)
Doesn’t make sense does it?
Well, big pimpin’ happens like this all the time, but it’s oblivious to most because of puppets.
If you’re in the pimp game, you have to have a puppet.
The puppet’s job is to do the dirty work without questions.
Our current medical system is the puppet for pharmaceutical companies.
When a doctor enters medical school, instead of looking at the body holistically they are taught to view it in segments.
These segments ensure drugs can be used.
For instance, if you have a heart problem, you require these pills while liver problems require those pills.
Allopathic medicine never looks at root cause of illness.
It treats symptoms thus providing disease management.
The strategy is to keep the dog chasing its tail, knowing it’ll never catch it.
When people get healthy, they don’t make good customers, do they?
Sounds like I hate doctors, but I don’t as they have good intentions.
Puppets also serve a different purpose as in the case of Mehmet Oz or Doctor Oz as he’s called.
Honestly, I wanted to puke the first time I watched his show and other times thereafter.
His audience consists of middle aged women who idolize him.
Should a doctor have fans and celebrity status?
It’s puzzling to me how he invites alternative practitioners on the show than allows them to say very little.
Ever seen the segment with Dr. Mercola?
He wasn’t allowed to say much and after he did, Dr. Oz foiled the whole thing by giving his opinion.
How can you take his opinion seriously when he promoted raspberry ketones for weight loss?
I guess he’ll say anything to keep the hoes confused, won’t he?
Hoes Are Us
Its no mystery who the hoes are, is it?
That would be people like you and I.
I woke up from the dream years ago and realized how badly I was being used.
I ate the food which made me sick and in turn ran to the doctor for a pill for my ill.
The pimp then pulled on the puppets strings and out came dollars in the form of a prescription.
As long as the puppets never get to the root cause of disease, the hoes keep coming back over and over again.
The pimp trains the puppet in the art of the hamster wheel.
The hoes hop on the hamster wheel and run round and round with hopes they’ll find relief.
Occasionally the puppet provides it.
He or she may even reward them with “sugar water” but sooner or later it’s back to the wheel they go!
Some hoes get smarter and realize nutrition is the missing link, but most hoes never make the connection they just stay on the track.
Hoes have a track.
In the streets they roam looking for johns but we’re not talking sex here, only medicine.
In medicine, the track is insurance.
Money is taken from your paycheck every period for health insurance.
For a $10 or $20 copay, you can see any doctor you want provided they’re in the network.
What if you want to go to an alternative physician who doesn’t use drugs or surgery?
Well, you can go but it will be out of your own pocket.
They even tell you to submit your receipt from the quack (alt. physician) you visited and they’ll reimburse you.
Don’t be surprise when your reimbursement never comes.
Insurance is great if it offered true freedom but it doesn’t.
The track is perfectly designed to keep you on it.
This is why the system will never support noninvasive methods like supplements and detoxification.
There is little money in it.
The web of deceit is always in place to make sure the spider feasts on the fly.
Am I against the medical establishment? It sounds like I am but I’m not.
Allopathic medicine has it’s place, more notably, for broken limbs or trauma situations.
It shouldn’t be used as the first line of defense in chronic conditions.
If truth is told, people who suffer from chronic health conditions rarely find relief in the pimp, puppet, hoes, and track system.
They usually turn to alternative practitioners because they’ve given up and are tired of unnecessary surgeries and pills.
The real question is why did it take so long? I guess pippin ain’t easy but it’s necessary to get people to wake up.
Did this post make you think? Piss you off? Dismiss me as a quack?
Whatever it did, I hope it made you think.
As I said in the beginning, we’re not doing enough thinking anymore.
Most people are preprogrammed like little cellphones and afraid to challenge their beliefs.
When you accept everything the opportunity for growth is limited but when you challenge your beliefs the opportunity for growth is limitless.
Always remember, pimpin’ ain’t easy unless you make it so.
Please share this post with someone who might be in the system and doesn’t know it.