Matt Talford, author of ” From Fear To Faith” visits Perfeclty Healthy And Toned Radio
At the age of 37, in peak physical condition and at the height of his corporate IT career, Matt seemed to have it all: a lovely wife, a high-profile career and active involvement in the community. But over a span of about eight months, he went from playing daily tennis matches and running 12 miles a week, to barely being able to climb a flight of stairs; and just weeks after his 38th birthday, he received a dreadful diagnosis that would forever change his life.
From Fear to Faith: A Survivor’s Story, is an inspiring tale of how one man battled courageously against unfavorable odds to overcome a rare and deadly form of cancer.
In From Fear to Faith, author Matt Talford takes you on a journey through his personal war on cancer and shares the physical, mental and spiritual tools that inspired him to reverse what he referred to as “a slow death,” and how he courageously fought to overcome a dreadful condition that to this day, he refuses to take ownership of, choosing the words, “I was diagnosed with…” as opposed to “I had…”