Roberta Ruggiero is the founder and president of the Hypoglycemia Support Foundation, Inc., and author of The Do’s and Don’ts of Hypoglycemia: An Everyday Guide to Low Blood Sugar, which was acclaimed by the American Library Association as “one of best lay medical books in public libraries.”
Having overcome ten years of illness–during which she saw dozens of doctors, endured countless medical tests, took thousands of pills and even underwent electric shock therapy–she understands the plight of the hypoglycemic firsthand.
In her book, she shares with you her own personal experience and the knowledge she’s gained about this baffling disorder.
In 1980, Ms. Ruggiero established The Hypoglycemia Support Foundation, Inc., to inform, support and encourage hypoglycemics and the public about this too often misunderstood and misdiagnosed disease.
This organization has enabled her to show how poor nutritional habits and severe nutritional deficiencies affect one’s emotional and physical health.