If you’ve listened to Perfectly Healthy And Toned Radio a.k.a. Phatman Radio or Wellness Warrior Radio, there’s usually a recurring theme.
On both shows, the guest is usually asked how they became interested in health and wellness.
The answer is usually the same.
What is it?
They became sick and wanted to be well again.
Each guest became their own personal guru and found a way to deal with the health issues they were facing.
Once they were able to solve their own problems they wanted to help others.
I like to call this the process of consciousness.
It’s because we become aware of our power to heal or make ourselves ill by our thoughts, feelings or actions.
I became conscious in 2005 after my mother passed away from breast cancer.
More people are starting to awaken but a large majority are still living on the unconscious level.
They’re so unconscious they fail to realize disease is a blessing.
The Gift Called Disease
Every cloud has a silver lining.
I’m sure you’ve heard something to this effect, right?
I happen to believe there is a lesson in everything, you just have to look for it.
I was reminded of this as I interviewed Dr. Lynn Lafferty recently on Perfectly Healthy And Toned Radio.
The doctor told her own story of helping her mom through a cancer diagnosis only to find herself at a crossroads with her own health.
Her mother told her she had a choice: to either continuing living her life around a collapsing business or approach her health from a spiritual position.
She eventually choose the latter and was able to reverse a painful, lingering bladder problem.
It never surprises me how quickly people ignore their faith and intuition and choose drugs and/or surgery.
As Dr. Lafferty expressed in the interview disease and illness could be a spiritual course correction.
Ever thought about it this way?
It’s about perspective but its hard to see things differently when you’re constantly operating in a state of fear.
Fear Factors
We’re scared into doing things.
Few people do things out of pure, unconditional love.
For example, one of my favorite movies of all time is “A Christmas Story.”
I watch it every year during the holidays.
In one of the more memorable scenes, the main character, Ralphie asks for a Red Ryder BB gun.
His mom tells him no because,”you’ll shoot your eye out.”
We’re bombarded with the message of shooting our eyes out but not with BB guns.
It comes in the form of not smoking because you might get cancer, don’t eat meat because you might get cancer, or don’t breathe because you might get cancer.
As Dr. Lafferty puts it, “We’re never given messages of empowerment.”
The powers that be know fear and love are great motivators.
It should be no mystery why they use “Chicken Little” tactics on us.
The message is the “sky is falling” and you must act now or suffer the consequences.
No wonder everyone walks around scared and on edge all the time.
When was the last time you did something out of love instead of fear?
What if you just loved your body enough to want to look and feel your best?
Not many of us love ourselves much less our bodies, because society’s message is we’re not good enough.
You’re only good enough if you look like someone else or if you own x, y, and z.
I urge you to remove fear from your life and practice love.
It is only through the practice of love can one become conscious.
Please listen to Dr. Lafferty’s interview as it will change your mind and more importantly educate you about the consciousness of disease.
Peace and Love Y’all….The Phat-Man!