Denise Minger, author of “Death By Food Pyramid” visits Perfectly Healthy And Toned Radio
Denise Minger is a health writer and lecturer with a reputation for aggressively challenging today’s leading voices of conventional wisdom. Her meticulously researched critiques decimating USDA guidelines and The China Study-published on her blog, RawFoodSOS.com-have made her a major player in the progressive health community, and a major thorn in the side of both mainstream nutritionists and other health figures promoting flawed dietary dogma.
A precocious academic whiz and autodidact who started college at the age of 16, Denise’s own diet-related health problems plunged her, total immersion style, into the world of nutrition research-first in attempt to heal her own body, and then to help others do the same. Denise currently lives a “real food” lifestyle in Portland, Oregon.