What if most people didn’t ascribe to the one size fits all diet?
What if there were different diets for different body types?
Well… there are!
Dr. Carolyn Mean returns to Perfectly Healthy And Toned Radio to discuss her latest book, ”Different Bodies, Different Diets.”
Who is Dr. Carolyn Mein?
Dr. Carolyn Mein is a chiropractic physician, speaker and author who maintains an active practice in Rancho Santa Fe, CA. She is the author and developer of “Different Bodies, Different Diets” which identifies 25 distinct body types, based on your dominant gland, organ or system. While there are universal good dietary principles, Dr. Mein found the specifics, like when is the best time to eat fruit, varied from person to person.
She discovered there is a commonality, and that is a person’s dominant gland, organ or system; which determines not only which foods best support you, the best time to eat them, the types of food you crave when your energy is low, but also where you gain your weight and your personality.
Inside The Episode
What’s that weird noise on the podcast? Dr. Mein’s cat tried to steal the show…and almost did! I’m not sure why, but her cat wanted to talk as we conducted the interview. I guess her cat recognized it was going to be great show and wanted to partake. 🙂
I was an underweight kid for most of my life until I became an adult. As I became older and ended my athletic career, I was perplexed by the weight I was gaining. I went from being a long, lanky teenager to an adult who was close to forty pounds overweight.
It was a startling transformation for me and filled me with mixed emotions.
I gained most of my weight in my stomach and butt or what I affectionately call “butt and gut.” I never really understood why this happened until after this podcast.
Dr. Mein pointed out that men who gain weight in the lower extremities are often emotional.
It made sense since I spent a lifetime burying my emotions only to have them “creep” back on me not only physically but mentally before I figured out how to deal with them.
Her book could’ve been named diets for different body types, but “Different Bodies, Different Diets is certainly a bit more catchy, right? Actually, as you listen to the podcast and/or read the book, you’ll realize the book has little to do with dieting and more to do with learning the “core” of who you are.
While you listen, you’ll hear Dr. Mein express the sentiment of weight having many variables. Its not all physical as we’ve been lead to believe. This audio will open your mind to weight being more than just a physical thing but an emotional thing and maybe even a spiritual thing.
What You’ll Learn In This Episode
* Why do most women gain weight in their lower extremities?
* When men gain weight in their lower extremities what does it mean?
* Does your body type support veganism?
* Why we usually marry the ”parent” we had trouble with and how it adds to weight issues.
Enjoy the podcast and don’t forget to leave a review on Itunes!!