White Chocolate…Milk Chocolate…do you know the benefits of eating Dark Chocolate?
Valentine’s Day is just around the corner and that means flowers, candy and candlelight dinners, if you’re lucky. 🙂
Chocolate is the candy of choice for this time of year.
Some folks give white chocolate…others give milk chocolate.
But, the smart ones will give dark chocolate.
Wait a second… I’ll tell you, but but before I do…
A long time ago in a galaxy not far away, I was kid.
As a kid, I knew Valentine’s Day was approaching when I got a list from my teacher with my classmates names on it.
I would always receive the list at the end of the day just before it was time to go home.
In a frenzy, I would stuff it into my book bag and run to the bus.
When the school bus reached my neighborhood, I raced home like wild dogs were chasing me!
Upon entering the house, I immediately let my mom know It was time to go to Kress (a local discount store.)
My mom knew what time it was!
Her baby boy had to get his Valentine’s Day Cards!
Once I got those cards, I ripped them open like it was my last meal.
I would immediately grab a pencil and start my ‘chicken scratch.”
For the kids I didn’t really care for, I’d give them the smaller, funnier cards.
I always kept the best card for the girl I had a crush on, but was afraid to tell.
Yup, this was my opportunity to tell her and this card was gonna do it!
At the end of the card, I would scribble in big letters: “Do You Like Me? Yes or No?”
The yes and no would have a box under them and I’d say please check one.
If she said yes, I would be scared as heck to look at her in class.
There were times when I got a no and my heart was crushed. 🙁
I couldn’t afford chocolates as a kid only cards.
I can afford chocolate today but for the people I love and truly care for, dark chocolate is my candy of choice.
Where does chocolate come from?
Most people will say the store. 🙂
There’s nothing wrong with this as we’re disconnected from the food supply.
We have no idea where our food comes from…much less chocolate, but here’s your enlightenment.
Chocolate comes from a tropical tree known as the cacao [ka-cow] tree.
This tree grows primarily in South and Central America.
[70% of the world’s cacao is produced in Africa.]
Chocolate is actually produced from the seeds of the cacao tree.
The seeds are harvested and undergo fermentation.
The fermentation process changes the bitter seed into the “chocolatey” goodness we love.
See how nature has the perfect design?
Keep this in mind while you’re reading.
Now..what does dark chocolate have to do with your heart?
“Ch”eart Health
Dark chocolate is literally the greatest aphrodisiac!
It shouldn’t just be a Valentine’s Day indulgence but a non guilty pleasure any time of year.
Why, you might ask?
If you’re one of those people who believe high cholesterol causes heart disease, pay close attention.
In studies, it was found dark chocolate reduced oxidative stress in good and bad cholesterol. (LDL and HDL respectively)
It also reduced these levels in blood platelets.
In plain language, oxidative stress is a catalyst for inflammation which causes disease.
Dark chocolate is ANTIOXIDANT RICH and helps fight free radical damage caused by oxidative stress.
Did you ever think a chocolate bar could do all that?
But wait there’s more! [In my announcer’s voice]
Cardio “Ch”ascular
The heart must be in great condition to perform at its peak.
Vascular function (veins, arteries, endothelium) is paramount.
Endothelial cells line the heart and control important things such as hemostasis (stops bleeding) and hormone trafficking.
Pretty important, huh?
Well, dark chocolate helps with all of it!
Here are a few benefits:
- It has no effect on atherosclerosis (hardening of arteries)
- It has a beneficial effect on endothelial function
- It protects the cardiovascular system
If you give your heart or someone else’s heart dark chocolate you’re definitely showing (him/her) love.
As with anything else, all chocolate ain’t created equal.
Let’s get educated on chocolate.
Hate to tell you this…but I will.
Those heart shaped boxes of chocolate in the department store are knock offs.
They’re what I call “Chocstors” a.k.a chocolate impostors.
“Chocstors” are filled with milk fat, soya lecithin and other crappy ingredients.
How do you know you have the good stuff?
Go for the dark chocolate with the high cacao content.
Be careful, as there is a fine line between bitter sweet and bitter tasting dark chocolate.
Here’s a few recommendations:
- Dagoba (up to 87% cacao)
- Green & Blacks ( 85% cacao)
- Scharrfen Berger (82% cacao)
These are few amongst other high quality chocolates out there.
Be warned, these are chocolate bars and don’t come in a heart shaped box.
Who needs a fancy “shmancy” box if you know your dark chocolate is healthy and the love behind it is real?
Dark chocolate is real heart food, ya’ll!
Now that you know the benefits of dark chocolate why would you give anything less than what’s healthy and full of love?
Now its your turn, what are your thoughts on dark chocolate?
If you know someone who might be consuming Chocstors please pass this article along to them and educate them on dark chocolate…thanks!