Want to know how to quickly boost your immune system?
You may want to pay close attention to these feelings:
Your emotional health is directly tied to your physical health.
Many people (perhaps you) ride a never ending emotional roller coaster. For example, you start your day feeling terrific and you go into work.
At 10am, your boss calls you into the office and says something about your job performance.
You’ll probably feel at least one of these emotions: anger, fear, or rage. Guess what?
Even though you feel one or all of these emotions, you aren’t allowed to show them. You tuck them neatly away and for the most part, you think they’re gone.
Lunch time rolls around and you have a chance to get out of the office and “kick it” with co workers.
Ahh…elation…you feel better then you go back into work. Your receive a call from a customer who tells you they’re leaving for another competitor.
Once again, the emotional roller coaster starts and to make things even more interesting, you’re about to clock out and go home.
What happens when your spouse and/or children get into the mix? Most, if not all people, are living some semblance of the above scenario every day.
Have you noticed people who are emotionally unhealthy are physically unhealthy as well?
Emotional Link To Physical
In order to understand how to boost your immune system quickly, you’ll need to understand your emotions.
As a child, “I heard, big boys don’t cry”. I quickly adopted this mantra and defended it within my psyche even at my mother’s funeral.
I broke down as my mom was being lowered into the ground during her funeral, but somehow I felt ashamed.
I held those emotions close to my chest for fear that I wasn’t a man because I cried.
The CDC ( Centers For Disease Control ), as conservative as they are, states 85% of diseases have emotional roots.
I’d be willing to bet that its much higher…like 100%!
Human beings have 5ok thoughts per day. Our thoughts always precede our emotions.
Don’t believe it? Think about something that makes you angry then see how your body feels.
Conversely, think about something that makes you happy then take note of how you feel. Convincing isn’t it?
The statement,“don’t be so emotional” takes on a whole new meaning when you realize your emotions are directly manifested from thoughts.
We are always “thinking” so its seemingly impossible to cut off our thoughts. If thoughts precede emotions as I stated above, then being too emotional has little substance.
Making sense?
Fight Or Flight
You’ll learn how to quickly boost your immune system when you understand “fight or flight”.
The phrase was coined by Walter Bradford Cannon to describe the sympathetic nervous system’s response to stress/ threats.
When we experience extremely stressful situations, the body reacts by secreting catecholamines and other chemicals.
These chemicals change the body’s chemistry in order to get it ready to stay and fight or run.
What happens when we live in a perpetual state of “fight or flight”?
Oddly enough, many human beings are in a constant state of “fight or flight.”
How many people do you know who constantly worry, or are fearful and angry at something or someone? Constant states of stress or a constant state of negative emotion will eventually manifest as disease.
How To Quickly Boost Your Immune System
You’ve made it this far and I know you want to know how to quickly boost your immune system, right?
If negative emotions such as hate, fear, jealousy, and anger come from our thoughts and belittle the immune system, then what do positive thoughts/ emotions do?
That’s right! They boost the immune system!
All you need to do is to spend more time thinking and feeling positive emotions.
Instead of spending your time in lower emotional spaces, spend time in these:
You don’t need pills or potions to focus your mind on good feeling thoughts.
It will do wonders for you, your emotional state, and most of all your physical state.
Now you know how to boost your immune system, quickly!
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One Love!
Darren ‘Phat-Man” McDuffie