“A Wise Man Man Told Me Don’t Argue With Fools, Cause People From A Distance Can’t Tell Who Is Who” – Jay Z
Recently, there was a measles outbreak in California.
That outbreak occurred at the “happiest place on earth “ known as Disneyland.
Strange thing is…no one knows if the outbreak originated from a vaccinated or unvaccinated child.
Obviously, if a child isn’t vaccinated it makes it easier to catch measles.
Seems right, doesn’t it?
The debate rages and the medical community uses fear, confusion, and panic to persuade citizens vaccinations are safe.
Those who exercise their right to decline vaccines are ostracized and left helplessly defending themselves.
It isn’t uncommon to find an “antivaxxer” on a national TV show battling a panel of “provaxxers.”
The fight is never fair and the person who exercises their right to choose is often the fool.
But are they really?
Jay Z, hip hop artist and entrepreneur says in a song, “A wise man told me don’t argue with fools, cause people from a distance can’t tell who is who.”
Who are the fools or is the joke on us all?
When Fear Walks In
A few months ago, it was Ebola.
The year before it was SARS, then the bird flu, and coincidentally it started with the swine flu.
Ultimately, the media stirs the pot of fear and confusion.
The internet and TV topics are abuzz for weeks then like a thief in the night outbreaks vanish into thin air.
How does that happen? Why does that happen?
Fear is a powerful emotion.
The two most powerful and motivating emotions are fear and love.
Few people evolve spiritually to operate from love but “hella” people react and succumb to fear.
Since 9/11, it seems the terror alert remains red.
Fear, panic, and hysteria are injected into the population on a steady basis.
Don’t believe me?
You need to look no further that your Facebook feed to get a shot of negativity.
Some of your good friends might be what I call, ”fear feeders.”
Fear is the American way.
It motivates us, drives us, and most of all controls us.
Big Pharma knows this.
They spend more money on marketing than researching their drugs.
They know what pushes your buttons.
You already buy food without reading the ingredients, why would medicine be any different?
Vaxabet Soup
Recently on Perfectly Healthy And Toned Radio (PhatMan Radio), I interviewed Barbara Loe Fisher from the National Vaccine Information Center.
My first question for Barbara was about ingredients found in vaccines.
She immediately told me not to focus on the ingredients but more so the effect of these ingredients.
Now, I could dig that on the podcast but for this post I’m coming from a different angle.
Here are the the components of vaccines taken directly from the Center For Disease Control’s (CDC) website:
- Aluminum – Used in vaccines as an adjuvant to increase the response of the antigen. The purpose of aluminum is to prompt the body to produce antibodies. Antibodies prime the immune system.
- Formaldehyde – Used to kill unwanted viruses and bacteria during production .
- Antibiotics – Prevents the growth of germs in vaccines.
- Thimerosal – Contains Mercury and used as a preservative to prevent contamination and growth of bacteria.
- Monosodium Glutamate – Used as stabilizer to prevent change when vaccines are exposed to heat, light, acidity, and humidity.
- Egg Protein – Found in yellow fever and influenza vaccines.
To say this is a toxic soup would be a severe, freaking understatement!
Let’s sift through this vaxabet soup to see if it contains anything healthy.
As a side note, this liquid amalgamation is being administered to children whose immune systems aren’t yet fully developed.
The CDC recommends a whopping 49 doses of 14 vaccines before age 6!
Say what????
Sifting Through Vaxabet Soup
My life has rewarded me with two distinct mediums.
I was able to be a part of the pharmaceutical industry and I’ve also had the pleasure of working in a lab which specialized in food sensitivity testing.
While I worked in the lab, I noticed the amount of people who were sensitive to eggs.
Many people produce antibodies to proteins found in chicken eggs.
These antibodies weaken the immune system and create inflammation.
In severe cases, food sensitivities can produce symptoms such as rashes, learning disabilities, and ear infections.
Doesn’t this sound exactly like the conditions most parents spend hours of doctor and emergency room visits on?
Could this simply be a side effect of a vaccine given to an infant?
Formaldehyde is another toxic substance. It is a known carcinogen.
What good can come from a substance used to embalm dead people?
It is also a byproduct of cigarette smoke.
Formaldehyde is not the only carcinogen, mercury is one is well.
Mercury is toxic and can accumulate in the body creating poisoning which can be directly attributed to mood swings, headaches, and insomnia.
This leads to the slippery slope of antibiotics which happen to be a speciality of mine.
Since I spent years selling them for a major pharmaceutical company, I am well versed.
Antibiotics are a impediment to the immune system as they eradicate good gut flora. They are a catalyst for intestinal permeability.
Intestinal permeability (leaky gut) creates food sensitivities and can be an agitator of autoimmune disease.
Finally, aluminum and monosodium glutamate (msg) are different yet have similar repercussions on the brain’s chemistry.
Both MSG and aluminum can cross the blood brain barrier and yield neurotoxicity.
During my research for this post, I came across an article from Dr. Bill Sears in which he says,
“ What exactly does aluminum do in the brain when it builds up in toxic amounts? While no one has studied healthy babies to see how much, if any, aluminum builds up in the brain from the amount used in vaccines, the study on IV feeding solutions in premature babies [I discussed previously] found that aluminum impaired their neurologic and mental development. But that was in premature babies, not full-term healthy ones. I found several animal studies involving aluminum and/or aluminum-containing vaccines that did show neurologic harm. Not only did the aluminum build up in the brain and cause damage, some of this damage looked similar to what is seen in the brains of Alzheimer’s patients. But it’s hard to correlate these findings precisely into human terms. What we need are more human infant studies.”
On the other hand, MSG, which has recently been banned from the food supply yet hides under other names is linked to Attention Deficit Disorders (ADD), learning disabilities, and other neurological conditions.
While vaccines curb the fear society has against disease, they pose a risk to the body especially the immune system.
Merck or Merk
Merk is a popular street term meaning murder.
If you added the “c” to it it would be Merck which is a pharmaceutical giant and the supplier of the MMR vaccine for measles.
Merck currently has two pending lawsuits in the falsification of data for the safety and validity of the MMR vaccine.
One of the indictments has been initiated by two of their own scientists.
Merck wanted the case to be thrown out of court but it won’t as the evidence points to conscious wrong doing on their part.
This all seems like deja vu as pharmaceutical companies plunder lives then pay a few dollars for pain and suffering.
Within a few months, its back to business as usual.
Profits once again take precedence over people.
Mind On My Money
Dr. Sherri TenPenny, crusader and educator for pro choice in vaccinations recently cancelled remaining dates on a scheduled tour in Australia.
Attendees were receiving threats and warned against attending her lecture. There was even a bomb threat.
If vaccines are safe then why is “someone” or “something” afraid to let the public make its own choice?
Corporations are like animals, they’ll do anything to protect their territory when its being threatened.
People are waking from a robotic state and Pharma ain’t happy about it.
This post was difficult to write. I wanted to be unbiased. I wanted to speak facts.
Are you pro vaccine or anti vaccine? Who’s right, who’s wrong? Who cares!
What we should care about is our right to choose.
What happens when the right to choose is taken away?
It may be only a matter of time before other liberties are taken away such as free speech and the right to bear arms.
I’d normally end this post with a profound conclusion but I won’t this time.
Since I began with a quote, I’ll end with one:
“The more we do to you, the less you seem to believe we are doing it” – Josey Mengle
German SS officer and physician in the German Nazi Concentration Camp Auschwitz – Birkenau
“Nuff said!”
Now its your turn…what do you think about vaccines… are you for or against them?