Do Multivitamins Work?
These are a few emotions and exclamations I experienced when I read CNN’s article“Are Multivitamins A Waste Of Money.”
It slyly showed in my Facebook feed earlier this week and I almost missed it.
Within minutes, I scanned through the article and knew it was straight BS!
To the average reader, it might be “gospel” but not me.
I had to put on my super sleuth hat and investigate further…research and formulate.
When I’m reading an health article or study, I’m always unbiased.
If you’re biased, it can cloud judgement and you don’t want it tainting the outcome.
It was hard for me not to be biased because the article carried the stench of all the “red meat causes cancer” articles I’ve read.
This time it was vitamins being attacked.
There was no causation, correlation, or anything scientific about this article.
Its purpose was to murder multivitamins.
Who’s against vitamins and why?
You might be surprised to know this.
Congress has been trying to ban vitamins and dietary supplements since 2005.
A year ago, I got wind of Codex Alimentarius or Codex.
It intrigued me, but seemed a bit “conspiracy theorish”, so I dismissed it.
When I saw the CNN article it resurrected Codex.
Codex is regulated by the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Food And Agricultural Organization (FAO).
Its made up of a collection of countries however, the United States dominates the consortium.
Codex’s mission is simple :
“protecting health of the consumers and ensuring fair trade practices in the food trade, and promoting coordination of all food standards work undertaken by international governmental and non-governmental organizations”.
Since the United States is the dominant member of codex, its interests lie in protecting the Big Three.
Who are the Big Three?
Big Chemical, Big Agribusiness and of course Big Pharma.
Pharm Free
In the very first podcast on the Wellness Warrior Radio Show, Diane Kazer and I explored the topic of generic prescriptions.
80% of all prescription are now generic because consumers are unable to afford brand name drugs.
With this being said, the Supreme Court recently excluded generic drug manufacturers from the liability of unwanted side effects.
That’s crazy!
Generics aren’t the only threat.
Brand name pharmaceuticals are responsible for unnecessary deaths, but no one ever talks about it.
To take it a step further, in November, congress began to put its thumb down on compounding pharmacies.
Compounding Pharmacies are responsible for making custom medications pharmaceutical companies don’t offer.
Why? There was a meningitis outbreak traced back to a compounding pharmacy.
Kudos to the government for protecting us but it gave them the ammunition needed to tie up loose ends and protect profits for Big Pharma.
The next “soft arm” order of business?
Read on.
Murder of the Multi
I partially agree with CNN’s article.
In most cases, multivitamins don’t work because 90% are cheap and ineffective.
How many people know the vitamins they’re getting from Walmart or online supplement warehouses are crap?
I would say zero.
Geritol, Centrum, and One A Day are all synthetic vitamins.
These multis are synthesized in a lab and placed in pill form.
Our bodies have no idea what to do with them.
When synthetic vitamins are taken, they are mainly excreted in the urine with no benefit.
In order to derive a real benefit ,the body can effectively use food based supplements .
Your body knows what to do with food, how smart is that?
The Cons In Congress
My greatest fear is that the ban of multivitamins and supplements will pass.
One reason is because of articles like this.
The “powers that be” know studies, even bogus ones hold weight with the general public.
The other reason is Congress isn’t the most intelligent crew of individuals.
Many of them cast their vote to the highest bidder.
Some have no idea what they cast their vote for…Jon Stewart pointed this out in a segment on,“The Daily Show”.
If something like this floats by our lawmakers, alternative health is in jeopardy.
In my opinion, this study was designed to softly convince us we don’t really need vitamins.
We do need vitamins just not the bad ones.
When we lose the ability to supplement our undernourished diets with good multivitamins, there will only be one well to drink from!
America is about freedom of choice but the choices are narrowing.
Can we afford to depend of Big Pharma to cure what ails us?
History has shown Pharma cares less about curing and more about making lifelong customers.
Check out my Youtube Video as I point out the holes in CNN’s health article.
Do you know someone who takes vitamins religiously? What are your feelings about multivitamins…leave it below 🙂