Dr. Kaayla T. Daniel returns to Perfectly Healthy And Toned Radio to discuss her latest book,”Nourishing Broth”
Dr. Daniel earned her PhD in Nutritional Sciences and Anti-Aging Therapies from the Union Institute and University in Cincinnati, and is certified as a clinical nutritionist (CCN) by the Clinical Nutrition Certification Board of the International and American Association of Clinical Nutritionists in Dallas.
Dr. Daniel is Vice President of the Weston A. Price Foundation, a member of the board of directors of the Farm-to-Consumer Legal Defense Fund, and received the Weston A. Price Foundation’s Integrity in Science Award in 2005.
Dr. Daniel is coauthor (with Sally Fallon Morell) of the bestselling Nourishing Broth: An Old-Fashioned Remedy for a Modern World and author of The Whole Soy Story: The Dark Side of America ‘s Favorite Health Food. Her books have been endorsed by leading health experts, including Larry Dossey, Joseph Mercola, JJ Virgin, Doris Rapp Jonathan Wright, and many others.
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