Three weeks ago, I went to the grocery store to pick up a few items before heading to the beach.
I strolled down the produce aisle and threw 4 pieces of organic fruit along with some other items in my bag.
I then proceeded to head to the checkout line.
Normally, I don’t look at what rings up on the register ( I probably should pay more attention) but in this case I glanced down to see that 4 pieces of fruit cost me over $4.00!
Now, don’t get me wrong, I’ll pay for quality and I spend most of my money in premium quality food but I thought about those who might be less fortunate.
Isn’t it amazing how the government sponsors programs to promote healthier eating but prices discourage you from eating the best food available?
I know there are only a select few who can go to Whole Foods and afford to drop $125 to $150 for organic food.
Isn’t it a** backwards that some people can’t afford healthy food but can afford to eat off a dollar menu?
Why isn’t organic food affordable when its better for us?
In a previous post on grains, I explained subsidizing.
Subsidies were originally adopted to protect small farmers during the depression.
Its very ironic something which was invented to protect small farmers no longer does.
It has now turned into a way to protect big agribusinesses as most small farmers have gone out of business.
They simply couldn’t keep up with farms who mass produce corn and other commodities.
When food is mass produced, it has to be grown faster, cheaper, and in the most efficient way possible.
It also has to be protected.
What does protection mean?
Simply put, it means pesticides, herbicides, and fungicides or genetically modified organisms.
The yield has to be protected so food can be cheaper and provide a surplus.
While the yield is protected, the health of the nation suffers.
Scientists have known for many years chemicals used to keep crops safe can be hazardous to humans.
The big question is, why does the government reward farms to spray food with hazardous chemicals?
Growth Spurt
Fungicides. herbicides, and pesticides protect the crops but they don’t make them grow faster.
Antibiotics and growth hormones aren’t used in organic farming.
Conventional farming uses these aids exclusively to grow food faster and bigger.
Have you ever seen a gigantic tomato or squash at your local market?
Better yet, have you seen a larger than average chicken breast, or turkey leg?
Organic food uses none of the trickery conventional food does yet it still costs more.
Chemicals and hormones = cheaper food, while no chemicals or hormones = higher price food.
Make sense? The only way it should is because organic food takes longer to make it to market and would necessitate a higher cost. Should it?
Organic farmers undergo more stringent guidelines then there more conventional counterparts.
Acquiring organic certification isn’t easy.
Organic farms must comply with certain standards so workers often have to maintain strict guidelines and keep records.
In addition, they are subject to inspection and stringent licensing fees depending on the size of the operation.
Shouldn’t food raised naturally be subject to less licensing and record keeping?
Organic farmers have major hoops to jump through to get good, healthy food to the market.
There are far less hoops when the products are conventional ones.
There are certainly reasons for organic food to cost more yet it benefits humans and the environment.
The more pertinent question is, why do the powers that be penalize farms for doing things the right way?
Big Food makes it a marketing ploy to announce certain ingredients, chemicals, or hormones aren’t in food.
This is stuff shouldn’t be in our food not to attract buyers but to maintain good health.
While other countries recognize the importance of banning harmful ingredients and chemicals from their food, America seems to only care about profits.
Profits over people seems to be the american way.
Organic food costs more because a flawed business model exists which rewards yield over quality, healthy food.
The argument exists where the more food produced equals the more people we can feed but there is still a high price to pay.
You need to look know further than the millions of sick, obese individuals to know the huge price involved and who’s paying it.
It’s your turn now. Do you eat organic food? What do you think about the cost? Leave a comment below.