Imagine. You’re eating tons of food and never gaining any weight; in fact you’re losing it. Sounds like a dream, but what if you lost so much weight it becomes unhealthy? For someone suffering from Crohn’s disease, becoming emaciated can be reality. How can this happen? Contrary to popular ...
The Craving Cure With Julia Ross Episode #168
A few years ago, I decided to eat only protein and no carbs. For about 2 weeks, the weight was coming off at a rapid pace. Then all of a sudden, it happened. I had what I would term a diet breakdown. Late one night, my food cravings got really bad. I could usually suppress them, but on this ...
Going Gluten Free With Heather K. Jacobsen
Deciding to eliminate gluten containing products saved my life err….joints. I know it’s a strong statement, but it did. Years of playing basketball, had taken a toll on my knees. I thought the creakiness and aching I felt after playing a game of “pick up” was a sign of aging. After moving to South ...
A Mother’s Love ( Education Before Vaccination ) With Sheila Lewis Ealey
A mother’s love knows no bounds. I can attest to it. After losing my mom to cancer in 2005, I felt lost. My mother had been my protector and provider until the time I was 17 years old. I knew she would travel to the ends of the earth to keep me safe when I was young. It has been my experience ...
Body Belief ( Healing Autoimmune Issues) With Aimee Raupp
Beliefs are agreements we make with reality. Everyone has beliefs and most are formed early in our lives. The good news is…beliefs can be changed! In today’s episode with Aimee Raupp we talk about body beliefs and how they can be change to radically transform autoimmune issues. Most people have ...