Cheese. Glorious. Cheese! We start our love affair with cheese early in our lives. Who doesn’t remember their early obsession with mac- n- cheese or eating imitation cheese slices while watching cartoons? After all, we were told it was good for us since it was part of the food pyramid's ...
Limitless Energy With Wendy Myers
Let’s talk heavy metals. When I think of heavy metals, my mind immediately shifts to a rock concert with loud music and some guy thrashing about with his guitar. Please don’t tell me I’m the only one. :) We all know this is one kind of "heavy metal" but what about the invisible ones in our ...
No Nonsense Keto (Ketogenic Diet Principles) With Stephanie “Keto” Person
Happy New Year…Happy Ketogenic Diet! As the new year starts, new diets start. The biggest resolution for almost everyone is to get rid of unwanted pounds. The effort starts with the best of intentions and slowly “peters” out as time passes. Willpower goes out the window and with it ...
The Mood Cure With Julia Ross
Happy Holidays! For many, the holidays are anything but happy. Why? Some are haunted by broken relationships, lost loved ones, or the thought of spending time with relatives who they might not have seen eye to eye with in the past. Situations like these can leave us in a tailspin and for ...
Relieving Insomnia With Dr. Maria Manzanares
Two years ago, I had took a job to escape another job, I didn’t like. I was barely on the job two months when at the end of the work day, I got a call from human resources. I was told to come to the office for a quick chat. I just signed up to get my health insurance and thought they had a ...