Stanley Fishman visits Perfectly Healthy And Toned Radio to chat about,”Tender Grassfed Beef” and “Tender Grassfed Barbeque”.
Stanley Fishman had been chronically ill with a number of different illnesses since he was 13. His illnesses includied asthma, periodic depression, chronic bronchitis, and skin and digestive disorders. He made dozen of trips to the emergency room with asthma attacks that could have killed him. He received extensive medical treatment but only got temporary relief while the underlying illness continued to worsen.
He was exposed to toxic chemicals at work in 1998 which again landed in him in the emergency room where doctors told him his lungs would never heal. He refused to accept the medical death sentence given to him and sought out to find another way to improve his health. He learned the key to health was nutrition.
He believes we are what the eat and a good diet is the foundation of health and healing.
Visit here to learn more about Stanley and grassfed meat.