Dr. Maya Shetreat- Klein visits Perfectly Healthy And Toned Radio
Maya Shetreat-Klein, MD is a pediatric neurologist, herbalist, urban farmer, naturalist and author ofThe Dirt Cure: Growing Healthy Kids with Food Straight from Soil (Simon and Schuster, 2016), which has been translated into ten languages. She offers an integrative approach to neurological, behavioral and cognitive problems as well as chronic pediatric issues.
Dr. Maya’s philosophy is that the health of our inner terrain—our bodies– is a reflection of the health of our outer terrain, the natural world around us. Gut, immune and nervous system—and the many microbes therein—are a direct reflection of the food we eat and where that food comes from, from the soil it’s grown in to the water it swims in to the synthetic chemicals that it’s bathed in. Fresh food, microbes (that’s right, germs) and elements of nature—soil, sunshine, water, and fresh air—make children resilient and prevent or reverse their illness.
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