What do your emotions have to do with your health?
For many, the mind body connection may not make a lot of sense.
Through constant repetition from medical authority, we’ve come to believe the body is systemic and composed of many parts.
Few believe the mind and our emotional states of being have a profound effect on our health.
Dr. Kim D’Eramo author of, ”The Mind Body Toolkit” stops by Perfectly Healthy And Toned Radio to discuss how emotions could be the catalyst for illness.
Who is Dr. Kim D’Eramo
Dr. Kim D’Eramo is a physician, speaker, #1 bestselling author of “The MindBody Tool Kit,” and founder of The American Institute of MindBody Medicine.
She is board-certified in Emergency Medicine, and attended residency at Emory University in Atlanta. After healing herself from a chronic illness using MindBody tools, she now empowers millions to use the same tools to immediately shift their body chemistry and brain activity to create health and wellbeing.
Inside the Episode
I really, really, really, really enjoyed this episode. Can you tell, I enjoyed it? For many of you who may have just discovered me. my podcast isn’t new.
I’ve had my podcast since 2013! Near the end of last year, I came to a crossroads and was about to quit doing the podcast.
That’s right, quit!
I was growing tired of telling people what to eat, what not to eat. and pushing against the medical conglomerate.
Then something weird happened..I decided to do a complete 360 and get more into the “conscious” side of health.
I believe this is where medicine is going.
As I interviewed Dr. Kim, I could tell the “vibe” was high and was relating to what she was saying….and agreeing. There is much more to illness than just the machination of illness.
How do consistent states of emotion such as fear and anger change our body chemically thereby causing disease?
Dr. Kim shares her bout with her on illness and how she used the mind body tools in her book to allow her own well being.
I love people who not only talk the talk but walk it as well.
I thoroughly enjoyed interviewing Dr. Kim and you can hear her passion for what she does in this segment.
Enjoy and thanks so much for your support!!!
What you’ll learn on this episode:
* Where is the mind? ( isn’t where you think it is)
*What does self love have to do with illness?
* How to surrender to your illness?